Ample C™ is a fermentation product manufactured by Pacer Technology designed to stimulate germination and emergence, promote root growth, and increase nutrient uptake for higher yields and healthier plants. MultiGro™ is a field-ready foliar product, also manufactured by Pacer Technology, containing 11-8-5 NPK and micronutrients plus the fermentation product. This study will test a small number of the many different application methods of the two products.
The goal of these trials with NDSU is to see how the Ample™ program gives the farmer a return through the characteristics listed above compared to a control. These studies used the management practices of a typical farm in Minot, ND.
The Control treatment consisted of, on a per acre basis, 150 lbs. of N, 50 lbs. of P, 2 lbs. of Zn and top-dressed with 50 lbs. of N in late June. All treatments used the control treatment fertilizer program with the following test products:
· AMP1: Ample™ Seed Treat alone
· AMP2: Ample C™ applied at 12 ounces per acre in furrow
· AMPMG1: Ample™ Seed Treat at 32 ounces per acre applied at V6
· AMPMG2: Ample C™ in-furrow at 12 ounces per acre plus 32 ounces of MultiGro™ at V6

The corn yields in Figure 1. indicate the Ample C™ and MultiGro™ treatments produced higher yields than the control when converted to a standard 15.5% moisture.
· The AMPMG2 treatment produced the highest yield of 10 bushels per acre over the control
· This yield response resulted in the highest return on investment is when using Ample C™ in-furrow and MultiGro™ at V6 to gain 10 bushels per acre
· Using grain prices at the time of harvest, the gross ROI is about $40.70 with a net ROI of $30.92. Nearly 4:1 ROI!
Yield differences out of the field for the various treatments are shown in Figure 2. Actual moisture levels at the time of harvest are shown in Figure 3. This data suggests that the Ample™ treated treatments matured earlier and were lower in moisture content which results in lowered drying costs.

This research indicates the Ample™ program provides a significant increase in yield and return on investment.
· Yield increases of up to 10 bushels per acre
· Value of increased yield $40.70
· Increased return on investment of 4 to 1 at $4.07 per bushel
· Plant vigor throughout it’s entire life – NDVI
o 15-20 days after planting; V4 and V8
· Yield comparison
o Yield (bu/a), moisture
· Emergence
o Number of days to emergence
o Stand count 7-10 days after plant; stand at harvest
· Tissue samples
o V4 stage: Chlorophyll meter and 6 plants will be sampled above ground, cutting the stalk off about ½ inch above the ground level, and sent to the lab for nutrient testing
o V8 stage: Chlorophyll meter and 6 first fully developed leaf from the top (first leaf below the whorl), cutting the leaf at its base where it joins the sheath will be sampled and sent to the lab for nutrient analysis
o VT stage: Chlorophyll meter and 6 samples from the leaf below the top ear, cutting the leaf at its base where it joins the sheath will be sampled and sent to the lab for nutrient analysis