Dyna-Cure™ and Dyna-Sile™ For Quality Forage Production
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The demand for higher quality forages demands new management practices, products, and methods to ensure profitability. Improve palatability, digestibility, and overall feed value with quality forage production products.
Quality Products To
Create Quality Forage
Dyna-Cure™ is a hay conditioner designed to improve the quality and manageability of hay forages. It works to give the natural curing process in hay an advantage. Dyna-Cure™ is simple and economical to apply with application equipment developed specifically for Dyna-Cure™. This method of application allows for more efficient use of expensive harvesting equipment by giving the producer a management tool that adds to his flexibility.
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The demand for higher quality forages demands new management practices, products, and methods to ensure profitability. Improve palatability, digestibility, and overall feed value with quality forage production products.
How does Dyna-Cure™ Work?
Improves dry matter recovery and increases your return per acre.
Helps preserve the leaves and the small stems that contain 70% of the TDN in the plant.
Reduces respiration losses when applied at the swather.
Accelerates the curing process.
Stops the growth of molds and aerobic bacteria that promote spoilage, reduce hay palatability, and decreases nutrient value.
Dyna-Cure is stable, non-corrosive and safe to use.
Dyna-Cure is simple to apply at the swather.
Apply Dyna-Cure at the rate of 6 -9 oz/ton of dry hay with 32 - 64 oz of water in solution.
KeyAg recommends normal baling practices when using Dyna-Cure :
2 tie and 3 tie bales 17% to 22% moisture.
Round bales 15% to 20% moisture.
Large square bales less than 20% moisture.
CAUTION: Stem moisture must be below baling moisture. Obtain accurate readings with an electronic moisture tester.
Installation and nozzle placement
Follow installation instructions and ask you rep about placements
In-season: Drain and clean applicator after each cutting
Weatherization details here
Product Handling:
Keep from extreme temperatures, especially from freezing
6-9 oz per ton is our recommended usage
Always mix product thoroughly before blending, and if solution sets in tanks overnight
Shut off irrigation water 5 days in advance (1st & 4th cutting) *(Why? More in FAQ's, below)
Shut off irrigation water 3-4 days in advance (2nd & 3rd cutting) *(Why? More in FAQ's, below)
Reduces moisture from ground and dew
Helps in raking onto dry ground
Watch applicator/product level
If application rate is wrong, you can be using too much or too little product.
Make sure your swather conditioner is set correctly for proper action
Raking schedule **(Why? More in FAQ's)
Check for "ready to rake" beginning day 1 after swathing (fluctuates on tonnage)
Rake 1- 1 1/2 days earlier (onto dry ground)
Reduced handling
Don't "rope" hay when raking, leaf shatter is not an issue
Moisture content
Monitor for best results
Not recommended for high-moisture baling
Dyna-Cure FAQ's:
This is where we have curated what we have learned about alfalfa production with Dyna-Cure for the past thirty years.
While your results will vary, these are some of the best practices that we have observed to:
Improve the quality and manageability of hay forages
Greener, softer, more palatable hay, digestibility and overall feed value
Better leaf retention, less shatter
More weight in the bale, more $ in your pocket.
OMRI Listed for Organic Use
Complete Forage Program™
Capturing a premium in today's market starts with a superior stand of alfalfa and ends with leafy green hay in the bale.
Maximize tonnage and quality with application of Ample ZSB™ to accelerate nutrient uptake and improve overall stands.
Give yourself an edge by using Ample ZSB™ and Dyna-Cure™. Increased leaf retention means quality. Thicker, leafier stands mean a higher quality crop. Premium hay means it gets loaded on the truck.
Dyna-Sile™ an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.
Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.