Dyna-Cure™ and Dyna-Sile™ For Quality Forage Production
Get More from Your Operation
The demand for higher quality forages demands new management practices, products, and methods to ensure profitability. Improve palatability, digestibility, and overall feed value with quality forage production products.
Quality Products To
Create Quality Forage
The economics of haying operations have been changing over the past decade. The cost of production, equipment and supplies, land, water, seed and fertilizer along with the demand for much higher quality forages have dictated new management practices, products and methods, to ensure profitability.

Get More from Your Operation
The demand for higher quality forages demands new management practices, products, and methods to ensure profitability. Improve palatability, digestibility, and overall feed value with quality forage production products.
Dyna-Cure™ is a hay conditioner designed to improve the quality and manageability of hay forages. It works to give the natural curing process in hay an advantage. Dyna-Cure™ is simple and economical to apply with application equipment developed specifically for Dyna-Cure™. This method of application allows for more efficient use of expensive harvesting equipment by giving the producer a management tool that adds to his flexibility.
Improves dry matter recovery and increases your return per acre.
Helps preserve the leaves and the small stems that contain 70% of the TDN in the plant.
Reduces respiration losses when applied at the swather.
Accelerates the curing process.
Stops the growth of molds and aerobic bacteria that promote spoilage, reduce hay palatability, and decreases nutrient value.
Dyna-Cure™ is stable, non-corrosive and safe to use and is simple to apply at the swather
Dyna-Sile™ is an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.
Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.
Dyna-Sile™ accelerates the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass which promotes:
Higher Fermentation Acid Content
Conserved Feed Energy
Preserved Nutrient Value
Reduced Heating
Increased Feed Value
Improved Palatability
Longer bunk life
Dyna-Sile™ introduces silage specific enzymes, metabolites and antioxidants that both enhance the primary fermentation process and controls the negative secondary fermentation process to create exceptional silage qualities.
This dual function gives Dyna-Sile™ a wider window of effectiveness than any other silage additive.
Ample™ ZSB
A balanced formula of NPK, Zinc, Sulfur and Boron as well as other chelated micronutrients that are quickly absorbed through the leaves and roots.
Fortifed with Ample™.
Increased root mass development through nodulation allows the plant to absorb more nutrients available through the soil and from current fertilizer programs leading to improved plant vigor.
Increased root development helps the plant overcome chemical and environmental stress and is critical for quick regrowth after each cutting.
Get results with higher yields and increased carbohydrate and protein concentrations.
Gets Results...
Field trials have resulted 5-20% increase in yield over 3 cuttings. In addition, higher carbohydrate and protein concentrations were realized under normal field conditions.

Complete Forage Program™
Capturing a premium in today's market starts with a superior stand of alfalfa and ends with leafy green hay in the bale.
Maximize tonnage and quality with application of Ample ZSB™ to accelerate nutrient uptake and improve overall stands.
Give yourself an edge by using Ample ZSB™ and Dyna-Cure™. Increased leaf retention means quality. Thicker, leafier stands mean a higher quality crop. Premium hay means it gets loaded on the truck.
Dyna-Sile™ an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.
Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.